Baby’s First Year: What to expect

The first year of your baby’s life is like a fairy tale. From helpless newborn to active toddlers, its takes 12 short months for your baby to undergo this incredibility awesome transformation. Every month brings new and exciting development. New parents always wonder what to expect from baby, how and what will their baby be able to do and at what time. Remember that all babies develop at their own pace, and the window might vary significantly for a baby to reach a particulate development milestone.

Some babies say their first word at 8th month while others don’t talk until the one-year mark. Keeping all these pointers in mind, here is what your baby may be doing during every 3-month stage of the first year. Remember that don’t panic, it’s not a race, sooner or later every baby is able to achieve all the milestones.

Baby development Activities – one to three months

During this first phase of your baby’s life, his body will just try to adjust to live in outside world, During this time your baby might –

  • Smile
  • Grip objects
  • Track objects with his eyes
  • Use hands to cover his mouth
  • Raise head while on his tummy

Babies sometime tend to form flat spots on the back of their head (a condition called Positional Plagiocephaly) if they are always made to lie on their back. Learn about importance of tummy time. Also, put your baby to sleep on their back, and and take care of their sleeping position

Baby development Activities – four to six months

During these few months, baby tries to manipulate the world and tries to use his hands to reach for things and discover their voice. Here is the list of what your baby might achieve –

  • Roll over
  • Babbling
  • Giggle
  • Touch and feel objects with hand
  • Sit with support, control his head

Babies in their 3-7 months goes through a lot of emotional development. Also learn about why babies cry when someone new holds them

Baby development Activities – seven to nine months

During the second half of his first year, ready to roll your sleeves because you are going to get busier. Haven’t baby proofed your house yet, it’s time ladies.

  • Start to crawl
  • Sit without support
  • Respond to familiar words
  • Clap
  • Try pulling himself up to standing position

Once your baby starts crawling his body will be susceptible to many changes, dry skin, SIDS, are very common. Take necessary measures to safe your child from all the related problems.

Baby development Activities – ten to twelve months

This last stage of his first year is going to transitional. Its’ that time when he might start behaving like a toddler. He is learning to –

  • Says one of two words – mama, dada
  • Pointing to objects he wants
  • Copying you, like pretending to talk on phone.
  • Move around the room, while holding things for support
  • Take his first step

Contact your doctor if you are worried about your baby’s development.  Who can know your baby better than you. So it’s better to get some advice if you think there might be some problem or much delay in the development.

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