Bedwetting – Types & Causes

Bedwetting is a very common problem which almost every child undergoes when they are young. While most kids grow out of this inconvenient problem, in some cases it could be a symptom of an underlying problem which could need intervention from a qualified medical practitioner. Today we will discuss different types of bedwetting & main causes behind them to prepare you to help your kids when the time comes.


Bedwetting – Types & Causes

Bedwetting is a common but serious issue which needs proper attention & understanding from the parents. While in most cases kids grow out of this issue, in some cases this problem can prolong impacting the child’s self-confidence and causing emotional stress. It is also not an issue that a child has any control over because it is almost always turns out to be a developmental issue.

Types of Bedwetting –

There are primarily two different types of bedwetting – Primary & Secondary. Primary bedwetting is the one which starts in early childhood and continues without any significant break in between. On the other hand, secondary bedwetting is the one which resumes after a significant break in between (atleast for about 6 months)

Causes of Primary Bedwetting –

Primary bedwetting is natural and can be caused due to several different reasons which in most cases would not need medical intervention –

  • Child could still be young with a developing bladder and is unable to hold the urine. Usually it is fine for up to 5 years of age for child to wet the bed.
  • Child is unable to wake up by itself when the bladder gets full
  • Child could be drinking too much fluid before bedtime or not emptying the bladder before going to bed

Also Check : Learn About Common Bedwetting Myths to Help Your Child

Debunking Common Bedwetting Myths

Causes of Secondary Bedwetting –

Secondary Bedwetting is usually much more serious and could have an underlying medical or emotional issue behind it which needs to be treated by a qualified medical practitioner. Some of the common causes of secondary bedwetting could be –


Children with Diabetes have abnormally high level of sugar in their blood which forces the body to produce excessive urine to get rid of the sugar resulting in bedwetting as a symptom in young kids. While it is uncommon in kids, it is best to let a qualified medical practitioner determine if this could be one of the reasons.

Urinary Tract Infection

UTI can result in irritation while urinating as well as frequent urge to urinate. This can cause kids not to be able to differentiate between when bladder is full and when irritation is due to UTI causing increased incidences of bedwetting. UTI can also indicate other issues in kids and should be taken very seriously.

Anatomical Issues

Anatomical issues (with organs or nerves) involved in the process of urination can cause certain urinary problems which can cause bedwetting.

External Emotional Factors

Certain external factors which can cause stress in a kid’s life can cause bedwetting incidents to start again. Any major changes to a child’s life which can make them anxious can also result in similar incidents. It is best for parents to make sure that they have an open discussion with the child and make sure that any such external factors are promptly taken care of.

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