Top Healthy Habits for Kids To Stay Healthy
Now that you have started the journey of parenthood, it is utmost important to contribute your best in the development of your child’s physical mental health. The key note is that children learn a lot from their parents.
Kids try to follow what to do, the way you live your life, the disciple and habits you have in your day to day activities. So, it is important that you as a parent yourself should stick to a healthy lifestyle. But sometime parents not able to distinguish between if a particular habit is good for your kid’s health. So, tighten your seat belts. We have compiled a few healthy tips to help kids stay healthy every day!
Healthy Kids Are The Happy Kids
To simplify things, here we’ve prepared some most important healthy habits list for kids that need to be inculcated into their daily routine:
Regular Breakfast:
Sticking to regular meals helps in avoiding unnecessary snacking. Childhood is an important stage when it comes to helping your kid adopt healthy eating habits. A nutritious breakfast fill of nutrients can help your kid stay energetic and active throughout the day.
Washing hands:
Hand washing is the most important healthy habits, when it comes to child’s health, 20 seconds is a must for kids, teach your kids to wash their hands with soap after using the restroom, after meals or after a play time, the sooner your make this a habit, healthier and germ free your child will be.
Using Tissue:
Make sure your kids follow the etiquette of using a tissue when they need to cough or sneeze. You also get him/her into the habit of disposing the tissues right away. Keep a trash can in your kid’s room. This would help to prevent the spread of infections among your kids. Also tell your kid to wash his or her hand immediately after sneezing to eliminate spreading of the infectious virus. Teach your kids about how germs can pass through from one kid to another and tell them that using tissues would prevent that.
Using Flush:
Once your child has start using Toilet on his own, make sure you educate him on the importance of flushing his efforts down. This will make him aware of how to use a toilet even if you are not around.
Outdoor exposure:
Once your kid has passed the age of totally dependent on you for small thins, exposure to iPad and phones increases within the blink of eye, you won’t even know and your child is too much fond of iPad and electronic devices already. Make it a habit that he is going outside regularly to play with his friends and get some fresh air. Take him for walk and ask for their help in gardening to make sure they are active and fit.
Family Time:
Family time is extremely important, especially for a growing baby. Dinner-time is often the best time where the entire family can sit down to eat and talk. This way, your kid will be less prone to snacking and grabbing the wrong foods and will also enjoy time with his parents and connect to them better.
Read Every Day:
Several studies have revealed that helping your child in reading, and also reading him book everyday could help develop strong reading skills and may help your kid succeed in school and work.
Daily Bathe!
Everyone has that time pf the years when we are too. Reluctant to take a shower. Same applied to kids as well. Sometimes kids may make a lot of fuss about getting into the bathroom and having a bath. The idea is to make regular activities a fun time for your kid, until he grows older. It’s always best to have some colorful bath bombs, soaps, shampoos and toys handy.
Consumption of Soda:
It is shocking how younger children today are falling prey to unhealthy eating habits, and several studies have found how soda consumption is on a rise in kids. Make sure your kid sticks to healthy drinks, and preferably water to keep himself hydrated.
Couch Potato:
Drop your kid’s habit of lying down on the couch for too long right in the beginning. Couch potatoes are more likely to be overweight and have a higher risk of being affected by developmental problems and may also put in a lower performance at school.
Habit of Brushing The Teeth Twice A Day:
Dental hygiene is vital. Make your kids realize the importance of brushing their teeth everyday right from their childhood. Kids tend to snack a lot, so they need to have their teeth clean to prevent the occurrence of cavities. Teach your kids to brush twice a day using a less-fluoride toothpaste to fight decay and cavities in their teeth. Also teach your kids not to eat foods after brushing their teeth at night.
Screen Time:
Kids love to watch their favorite cartoon show. Have a fixed time to watch their favorite cartoon channel and tell them you would be lenient occasionally if they promise to maintain the schedule every day.
Taking Care of Private Parts:
Teach your kids to take care of their private parts, use tissue and wipes properly to avoid any infection. Also tell them to tell you immediately if they have any pain or burning sensation in their private parts.
There are many other important skills which we haven’t mentioned in this article like Proper sleep time, vaccination, because these are some common things your child doctor which keep a check on and update you as and when needed.
For any concerns related to kids helath check more article composed by our experts on Kids Health and Safety
We believe that small and regular efforts can help your child in attaining a healthy lifestyle. After reading this article on good healthy habits for kids, you probably collected several ideas on what habits in your kid you need you work on. Following these simple tips may help your kid follow a healthy lifestyle right from his childhood.