10 Best Strategies to Make Your Baby Sleep through the Night

Are you tired of putting baby to sleep ? Use this article to help you with strategies to put the baby to sleep quickly & keep sleeping (and get some much deserved rest yourself)

Strategies to Make Your Baby Sleep

Most new parents struggle with getting their bundle of joy to bed and sleep through the night. This is extremely critical for moms because they cannot sleep unless baby goes to sleep making them feel tired throughout the day. In fact, a study pointed out that more than 80% parents would like to change something about their baby’s sleeping habit making this one of the most researched topic in new-born care.

In this article today, we will discuss some tips to get the baby snooze off and stay asleep throughout the night.

Strategies to Make Baby Sleep

1) Follow a Strict Bed-time Routine

It is important for babies to get used to a particular sleeping schedule and routine. Multiple studies have indicated that following a bed time routine makes it easier for parents to get the baby sleeping.

2) Make sure they are well fed

Most of the babies tend to get up once they feel hungry. A good way to make sure that baby sleeps for longer duration at a time is to nurse them before putting to sleep so they don’t wake up as often

3) Don’t engage in any Playful Activity

It is a well known fact that once a baby locks eyes with you and engages in any playful activity, the heart beat fastens and drowsiness goes away. Try not to engage in any playful activity or make eye contact with child while putting them to sleep and be a little firm if you need to be.

4) Make an atmosphere conducive to sleep

It is usually a good idea to change the atmosphere around the baby while trying to put them to sleep and strictly follow it so that it serves as a visual cue in the future. For example, keep the lights bright and warm during the day but dim them when you are getting ready to put the child to sleep. Slowly the baby will start associating dimming of lights with when they need to go to sleep.

5) Regulate the temperature

Studies have indicated that setting the temperature little cooler helps the little one go to sleep faster and stay asleep. Try setting the thermostat to about 65 F next time around.

6) Watch what you eat (or drink)

In the initial few months, baby’s diet primarily consists of mother’s milk. If mother is taking large amount of caffeinated products then the breast milk could contain some compounds which can effect babies. Remember that even a minute bit of caffeine is more than enough to keep your baby awake (and you with it)

7) Choose the correct Diaper

The last thing you want in the middle of the night is for your baby to wake up because the diaper is soiled and making them feel wet. Try putting on a good quality night diaper which can absorb more liquid keeping the baby asleep.

8) Keep Calm while putting baby to sleep

Don’t get agitated even if baby does not go to sleep right away. Babies pick up on mother’s mood very quickly and this can cause them to start crying or get irritated further throwing away the chance of getting them to sleep quickly.

9) Put some Calming music

Feel free to put on some very low calm music to help your little one shut their eyes and drowse off.

10) Massage

Try massaging your baby gently before putting them to sleep. Researches have indicated that babies who receive a slow bedtime massage (5-10 mins) tend to fall asleep faster and have a sounder sleep.

Do you have any more tips that you would like to share with us ? Please let us know through your comments below.

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