5 Tips For Breastfeeding In Public

Your baby needs to be fed frequently and situations may arise where you could be outside in public and need to feed them. Learn a few tips which can help with breastfeeding in public.

5 Tips For Breastfeeding In Public

Breastfeeding in public can be stressful for a new mother with the anxiety of being in an unfamiliar setting and additional stress of uncomfortable clothing on top. Today we will discuss some tips that will help you make that experience less stressful.

Before we begin discussing some of these tips, it is essential for you to remember that it is entirely legal for you to nurse your child in public and that it is nothing to be ashamed about. You can feed your baby whenever they are hungry and you are comfortable.

Tips to Use While Breastfeeding in Public

1) Dress to Feed

If you are already aware that you will need to feed the baby while wearing those clothes then consider wearing two-piece clothes where the top can easily be opened through buttons or lifted up to allow ease in nursing.

2) Look for Dedicated Rooms

Most big establishments (malls, airports, restaurants, etc.) nowadays have arrangements for dedicated nursing rooms. Even if you don’t see anything, ask around and the establishment might arrange something temporary for you to use.

3) Consider Using a Nursing Cover

Some mothers find nursing covers ideal for precisely this situation because it gives them privacy in a public setting while keeping the air flow available for the baby. Check out the following recommendations from Editors at Just Kid’s N Mom’s.

4) Find a Private Setting

Find a spot with limited movement and use your stroller to act as a barrier if you are not entirely comfortable nursing in public.

5) Use Your Car as Your Private Setting

Consider stepping inside your car and put up blinds to give you more private setting to nurse the baby.

Do you have any other tips that you would like to share with us ? Please let us know through your comments below.

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