6 Golden Tips to Make Your Child Feel Loved

All of us know that children are gift from god and any parent always love their kid to the moon. However, in today’s world where both parents usually work, life is very hectic and there are so many things to take care of that sometimes we can loose track of how our little one is feeling and if all their emotional needs are being met. Your children need your love, time, support and undivided attention and as a parent, you’re likely to be the most significant influence in their lives while growing up.

In this article today, we will discuss some valuable and easy to implement tips which you can practice on a daily basis and make your child feel special.

Golden Tips to Make Your Child Feel Loved

Tips to Make Your Child Feel Loved

1) Involve them in Activities Around the House

It is perfectly ok to involve your kids in activities or chores around the house even if it takes them more time or they don’t do it perfectly the first few times. For example, ask them to put dishes in the washer, set the table get some water etc. Thank them for all the help they are providing which will not only make them feel connected but also teach good manners.

2) Praise them for a Job well done

Key thing here is to be selective. When they do a job, genuinely praise them but don’t do it everytime they work on something unless they work hard towards it. This will get them in a habit of putting more effort and doing things properly.

3) Figure out Activities to do together everyday

The most important thing that a child requires is your time. In some cases, it might not be possible for you to spend extended time with them given other household responsibilities. In this case, a very good idea is to figure out some activities that you can do with them together on a daily basis. It can be a bedtime ritual (like reading a stock book to them), playing a fun game (Indoor or Outdoor), Painting together etc.

One very important recommendation that we would like to make is to kindly leave all your electronic equipment behind (mobile, ipad, TV etc.) during this time. Give them your undivided attention that your kid craves and deserves.

4) Go out Together

Going out does not necessarily mean going on an outing. Try taking your kid out even while going for grocery shopping and play some music for them on the way or talk to them about what they did during the day. You can also try to play a word game with them on the way and give them some much needed one on one time.

5) Celebrate Holidays Together

No matter what happens, be with your child during festivals and Holidays. Try taking time off from work or work remote from home and spend some precious time with the little one. try to follow the holiday rituals by cooking / baking together, putting on decorations etc. Also teach your kid the importance and history behind these festivals.

Remember that this precious time spent together will be one of the strongest memories that the child will retain as they grow up. Celebrating events together will only strengthen the bond with your child.

6) Take Meals Together

It is a proven fact that Family dinners have several physical, mental and emotional benefits for the child. Spending this time together might mean Parents adjusting their schedule slightly but in long-term, this will be a really good strategy for the kid.

Please visit thefamilydinnerproject.org to learn the many science-based benefits of having family dinners.

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