Best & Reliable Pregnancy Tests Available in the Market

When you may be pregnant, the earlier you know, the better. The best way to find out is to see a doctor. But not all of us have the time or the nerves to go to a doctor’s office and have them confirm it. Settling down for a home pregnancy test when you are still waiting for your doctor’s appointment can reduce some level of anxiety and excitement.

How they work

Pregnancy test strips measure the levels of the pregnancy hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in your urine. This hormone is produced by the cells of the embryo that will later form the placenta. The level of HCG starts to increase from its basal level of less than 5 mIU/mL directly after implantation, and doubles about each 48 hours during the first weeks of pregnancy.
If you are planning to buy one, we recommend you to try one of these:

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown

  • Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown to Result to assure you that result is in processing.
  • Your result will appear within 3 minutes, and some results may be shown in as little as 1 minute.
  • Results are clearly displayed in words, ‘Pregnant’ or ‘Not Pregnant,’ eliminating confusion of interpreting lines at an emotional time

PREGMATE Pregnancy Test Strips

  • Pregmate strips measure the level of pregnancy hormone HCG in your urine.
  • To use it, simply immerse the strip in your urine sample for 3 seconds and lay it on a flat surface.
  • You will get the result in 5 minutes.

First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test

  • First Response pregnancy tests are over 99% accurate from the day of your expected period.
  • Detects 4 major forms of hCG.
  • Detects the pregnancy hormone six days sooner than the day of your missed period.
  • You will get the results in 3 minutes.

iProven Pregnancy Test

  • Use it midstream for 10 seconds or dip for 5 seconds.
  • This test gives result after 3-5 minutes as Positive, Negative or Invalid.
  • In case of invalid, you need to repeat the test following the same steps again.

AccuMed Pregnancy Test Strips

  • This pregnancy test is capable of detecting pregnancy 5 days before your first missed period by reading levels of HCG .
  • Place the test strip in urine, wait for 5 minutes and read the result.
  • Positive tests are indicated by two lines, negative tests are indicated by one line and invalid tests are indicated with no lines at all.

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