Best Tips to Prevent Motion Sickness in Kids during Travel

Motion sickness has always remain a mysterious topic that researchers have never able to find the permanent cure for using medicines and aspired drugs. This kind of discomfort is not age specific and exists in people of all age groups, but the sooner you identify that your child has motion sickness problem, the sooner you can take proper measure alleviate it which subsequently can also lead to complete cure.

What triggers motion sickness

  • Motion sickness happens when brain receives mixed signals from ears, eyes and nerves from muscles and joints. this conflicting information leads to confusion and interfere with basic functioning and decision making power of the brain. Suppose your child is sitting in the car reading a book without looking outside the window, now his inner ear is sensing motion but his eyes are not sending signals to the brain of any kind of motion, this results in the contradiction of signals sent to brain which leads to sudden anxiety which in turns finally results in dizziness, upset stomach, sweating, suffocation and vomiting.
  • Sea sickness and amusement park sickness are some of the common known types seen in kids of age 5 – 10. Fun park rides that spins and changes pattern very quickly also leads to motion sickness because kids brain is not strong enough to judgment change in information as quickly as these rides change the position.
  • Sometimes motion sickness is also genetic which means if one parent has it and there are stronger chances that you kid will have it.

Some tried and tested strategies to alleviate the motion sickness problem

Use light pre-trip meals: Avoid using greasy and spicy food before starting your trip or before going to any amusement park (rides and water activities). Don’t start the travelling immediately after feeding your kid and give them sufficient time to digest the food.
Pressure techniques: Apply light but firm pressure to inner side of the wrist, this procedure not always work the same way among all kids. if its working for you child, you can use acupressure wrist bands as they provide in expensive and low risk treatment for motion sickness.
Use ginger & peppermint snacking: when it comes to nausea, ginger reportedly provide quick and instant relief from upset stomach. ginger chews and peppermint gums are some likable frequently used by families for controlling motion sickness.
Stop using any sensory input: Encourage you kids to look at things outside the car instead of focusing on books or playing video games. also makes sure that they are using the front windshield instead of the side shield as focusing on distant objects helps in reducing sending the stress signals to brain.
Frequent stops: if you are sensing that the child to showing sick symptoms, try to pull over to the nearest stop and try to distract them by talking to them and let me walk around in the open air.
Maintain air ventilation: maintain fresh air flow avoiding any odor can also help in preventing and reducing sickness.
Consider medication: if your child is older than two and show symptoms of motions sickness, contact your pediatrician for some medication which can be used to prevent nausea while travelling.
Good news is that if taken proper measures timely at an early age, kids tend to outgrow this sickness as they grow old. all you need is to teach your kid to identify the sign of motion sickness as early as possible and communicate to you so that so that can get proper prevention cures timely without much aggravating the problem.

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