Breast Cancer Awareness

A cancer that forms in the cells of the breast is referred to as Breast Cancer. It can occur in women and rarely in man. The precise cause of breast cancer is not very clear yet. Doctor says that that when cells in the breast starts growing abnormally, it forms breast cancer. Irregular hormonal changes, Lifestyle and environmental factors can increase your risk of getting cancer of breast.

Risk Factors

There are many factors that are associated with the increased risk of breast cancer

  • Gene mutations passed through generations of a family.
  • Personal history of breast cancer
  • Family history of breast cancer
  • Radiation Exposure
  • Reaching menopause at older age
  • Never been pregnant
  • Too much alcohol consumption
  • Increasing age increase the risk

Ask your doctor for breast cancer screening and become familiar with your breast through self-examination and observation

Certain changes in the breast may be early signs of breast cancer. Identifying all these changing and knowing what these changes look and feel like can help people access the right treatment as soon as possible.

Early signs of breast cancer

When any person thinks about breast cancer, having a lump is the first thing that comes to mind. Having a lump is a possible warning sign but is not the only one. There can be many more sign which we are not even sure are the early signs. Some other common signs of breast cancer include:

  • Changes to the skin’s texture
  • Lumps inside the breast or underarm area
  • Changes in breast size and shape
  • Breast or nipple pain
  • Redness near breast area or under arm area
  • Nipple discharge That starts suddenly
  • Pain in a specific area that does not go away
  • Prominent veins on the surface of the breast
  • A sore or rash on the nipple
  • Dimpling of the skin on the breast

People should not panic or be fearful when they notice breast changes. Aging, changes in hormone levels, and other factors can lead to breast changes throughout a person’s lifetime. These conditions don’t imply that you have cancer bit there is no harm referring to your doctor for a quick checkup to make sure.

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