Fertility Foods That Increase Sperm Count In Men

Male infertility is due to low sperm production, abnormal sperm function, or blockages that prevent the delivery of sperm. Illnesses, injuries, chronic health problems, lifestyle choices, and other factors can play a role in causing male infertility. According to the World Health Organization, a sperm count of over 15 million per milliliter is considered healthy, and a count below that is abnormal.

sperm health

Male infertility associated with low sperm count is linked to vitamin or zinc deficiency, which means that a few dietary changes could help shoot up the sperm count.

Common Signs of Infertility in Men

  1. Changes in sexual desire
  2. Testicle pain or swelling.
  3. Problems maintaining erection
  4. Issues with ejaculation
  5. Small, firm testicles

Sometimes, the quality of the sperm also has an impact on fertility. Men with a low sperm count can still be fertile if their sperm is in excellent condition. The sperm is vulnerable to free radical damage, which affects its viability. So, having a good sperm count is of no good if the quality of the sperm is poor. However, eating a healthy diet rich in antioxidants can improve the semen quality and protect the sperm’s count and viability

We have put together the best fertility foods you should take if trying to conceive.

Infertility may result from an issue with either you or your partner or a combination of factors that prevent pregnancy. Below are some of the common signs of infertility in females.

Common Signs of Infertility in Women

  1. Irregular periods
  2. Painful or heavy periods
  3. No periods
  4. Symptoms of hormone fluctuations
    • skin issues
    • reduced sex drive
    • facial hair growth
    • thinning hair
    • weight gain
  1. Pain during sex

Talk to your doctor if you experience any of the above.

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