Fun Things to Do Before Getting Pregnant
Everybody talks about ways to get pregnant and how hectic your life will be once the little bundle of joy actually comes in your arms and demand your complete attention. Today however we want to talk about few things that every couple should do before embarking on this magical journey because they might not get a chance to do them for some time after child-birth.
Here is your pre-conception checklist on fun things to do before getting pregnant for you to follow –
Fun Things To Do Before Getting Pregnant
1) Travel to a Foreign Country for Vacation
Before it becomes difficult for you to even find time to take a nap with a baby taking away all of your attention, how about taking some time out with your partner and go visit a different country and immerse yourself in a different culture altogether. Put yourself in an unknown and unfamiliar atmosphere and observe the beauty around you. Try our different local dresses, eat different food, visit different places, talk to new people and do everything which you dream about but just never got a chance to try out before.
2) Try an adventure sport
How about trying out something which you would never do after having a kid. How about bungee jumping, skydiving, extreme water sports (with professional guidance of-course). Let go of the fear and get some adrenaline going.
3) Go out for the Night (and stay out)
Before your time comes to worry about till when will the baby-sitter be available, try going out to a post restaurant which you always wanted to visit and go out for drinks with friends afterwards. Spend the night out dancing with your partner and enjoy a wonderful night out which you can cherish.
4) Do a sexy shoot with your partner
Yes, this is exactly what you are thinking. Take part in a home shoot with your partner in some sexy clothing and take some photographs that you can check out later. Doing a playful, sensual photo shoot is a great way to celebrate your body and your relationship before baby.
5) Throw an Awesome Party
Before embarking on celebrations focused only on kids, why not make sure you throw an adults-only bash that you can remember for a long time ? Call your closest friends and do something crazy at home. Play games, dance, order in-food and lavishly enjoy the day.
6) Go for a surprise spontaneous vacation
Even made a plan to go on a vacation in the night and caught a plane in the morning ? If your answer is no then you are missing something awesome. Yes, everybody would recommend you to carefully plan your destinations and make the reservations in advance but check with some of your thrill seeking friends and they will tell you how awesome it is to let go all the planning for once and just go ahead and do something crazy.
7) Fulfill your Fantasies
A baby demands your complete attention putting your own personal relationship on the sideline atleast for sometime. How about before you embark on that adventure, spend some more quality time together with your partner and play out each other’s fantasies. Trust us, this will only bring you closure and you will thank us later.
Do you have any more creative ideas that you would like to share with us ? Please let us know through your comments below.