Gift Ideas for 1 Year Old

Birthdays are the great time to surprise kids with a gift. While 1 year old’s are equally enticed withe the ribbons, decorations and the wrapping paper of your present, gifts are a great way to introduce toddlers with variety of things to help them process the surrounding they live in. In this post we are going to discuss some of the best gift ideas for toddlers.


There is really no age to get enticed to books and your 1 year old is no exception. Broad books with big bright and colorful pictures are a great way to kick start their journey and add one to your toddler’s library. Musical books for toddlers is another great gift to entertain and engage youngsters in ways that nurture their developing brain. Below are some of our recommendation that will be cherished by the toddlers in this adventure of the lifetime


Really want to bring out your child’s innate creativity? give them a bundle of blocks and you will be surprised to see the amount of fun your kids going to have building a big tower and knocking it down with their own hands. Careful with the small sized blocks with sharp edges. Also, stay away from lego blocks, its too early to hand those to your toddlers because of the safety reasons. After carefully examining, some of our block recommendations are

Push Toys

It is more likely that your kids has started walking by his first birthday, and push toys are a winner in helping your child to gain more momentum while having fun. Child size light weighted grocery cart is a great gift which he can push and roam on his feet. Push toys also helps in providing support while walking hence a best gift for the kids who have already started walking. Our best picks for push toys are

Toy Phone

Most 1 year old are delighted to have to their own cell phone especially when moms and dads cellphone are off the limits. Start conversation with your child and play around, this will help in developing more new words and he will love the overall experience anyways.

Noisemaker Toys

Toddlers love to make noise and f they get attention that’s an icing on the cake. To delight your kid, give a toy that claps, dance, and make sounds. You need not to go high on tech, you know its a long way and this is just the beginning. Tambourine would be best suited for the kids of 1 year of age, but we have more recommendations for you below.

Stay tuned for more related ideas for toddlers. Share your experiences below in the comment section.

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