How to Get Your Kid Interested in Astronomy

It is important for parents to let their kids find their own interests and hobbies but there are certain areas which needs to be introduced to them gradually which will raise their curiosity and help them learn a lot more about the world around us. One of such very important topic is Astronomy.

Astronomy is the branch of science which deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe around us. As kids begin to grow, in this space age, it is important for them to understand who we are and what surrounds us. In this author’s opinion, I am yet to meet a single child who has not been left amazed and starry eyed by this awesome branch of science.

How to Get Your Kid Interested in Astronomy

Today, in this learning series, we will discuss few things which you do as a parent to introduce this area to your kid and take them on a wonderful journey which will help them academically as well.

How to Get Your Kid Interested in Astronomy

1) Go out for Star Gazing together as a family

Do you remember how you felt when you went out for the first time with your parents and told you about the stars and the moon ?. Relive that same excitement with your kid once again by taking them out and give them a practical experience. Answer all their questions and watch them left amazed and excited. Ask them questions and learn how much they already know

2) Introduce them to the magic of Books

There are numerous books available on this topic for kids of all ages from basic beginners to advanced levels which provide a wonderful overview of the universe and captures the imagination of the child. Rather than having then spend time watching TV or playing on ipad, why not give them a gift of a book which they can truly enjoy and learn from.

To make your job easier, here is our recommendation on the best rated books by other parents which you can order from the comfort of your home today.

3) Paint the Ceiling or Use glow in the dark Stickers

This is probably one of the easiest and most effective ways to get your kid’s attention turn to the skies. You can paint the ceiling using any type of image or better still, to make your job easier, buy some of the recommended articles below which will make your ceiling feel like real night skies and give your kid hours of fun while keeping them engaged.

Psst! Let me tell you a secret, this parent found that this is also a very effective technique to get them to bed and sound asleep fast.

4) Get a Telescope

I loved this one as a kid and can vouch for the same thing about my kids too. If your kid shows even a little excitement about Astronomy, please get them this gift and they will thank you with some very awesome hugs. It can do wonders for a child’s imagination and his interests could grow multifold.

Lot of parents feel that telescopes are expensive and they should really wait before investing in something like this but this parent completely disagrees. There are some very good options available nowadays which are easy to fit in the budget. I am providing few such good & highly recommended ideas which will make your job much easier.

Have any more ideas ? Please feel free to let us know and share with our parents by commenting below.

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