How to Keep Kids Safe in Cars During Cold Weather

Did you know that there are certain dangers associated with keeping Kids in the car during cold weather ? Here are some tips to keep your kid happy & safe during this cold season.

How to Keep Kids Safe in Cars During Cold Weather

Most of the parents are already aware of the danger of keeping kids inside the car during hot weather but lot of them do not know that cold weather also have certain challenges. Read our article to know about the risk factors and how to counter them.

Tips to Keep Kids Safe in Cars During Winter Season

1) Do Not Leave the Kid in the Car while Preparing

One common reason that can cause a safety issue for the kid is carbon monoxide poisoning. It is very common for parents to put the kid in the car and start it to get the AC running while they prepare and get the driveway clean. This causes build-up of smoke inside the garage and the car which can result in carbon monoxide poisoning.

2) Do not Put Heavy Clothing

Cars usually have regulated temperature due to AC being switched on. Heavy clothing can make it difficult to safely put the baby in child seat and buckle it properly. It can also overheat the baby if you maintain warm temperature in the car. While putting the baby in the car, remove extra heavy clothing and put it back before taking them out of the car.

3) Safely secure the Kid

Kids always get excited at the thought of going out and can try to lunge towards the window to view the beautiful winter scenery outside which can divert your attention. This also causes a safety issue just in case seat belt gets unbuckled. Make sure that kid is secured and instruct them not to move while seated.

4) Lock the Car

Car can have lot of items which can attract the kids. While you are safely contained inside the house, make sure that car is locked up so that kids cannot get inside.

5) Don’t leave Child inside the Car

If the AC is switched off then car can get really cold very quickly. Make sure that you do not leave the kid inside the car even if you need to run outside to run a small errand.

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