Kids General Knowledge – Astronomy

Being a parent, it is very important to know if their child is aware of some basic stuff which everyone should know. Astronomy is one of those field. If your are concerned that he is behind his peer, help getting them inspired to know more about Astronomy. Interest in astronomy will provide a lifetime of pleasure and satisfaction, a sense of wonder at the universe, a potentially lifelong hobby, as well as a possible professional career for them in later years!

If you think your child is ready to take a test use our below tool and know the result instantly.


Astronomy - 101


Ask these basic questions and know instantly.


1 / 6

How many planets are there in our solar system?

2 / 6

Is the planet Neptune bigger than Earth?

3 / 6

Which is the largest Planet?

4 / 6

What is the closest planet to the Sun?

5 / 6

What is the name of galaxy we live in?

6 / 6

Is the sun a star or a planet?

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