Ovulation: Guide to Basal body Temperature
Your body gives you several signs that you are ovulating to prepare you for conception. Basal body temperature is one of the most popular and easily identifiable physical signs that you can measure at home and engage in intercourse accordingly.
In this article, we will discuss the details on basal body temperature, how to measure it, and share some recommendations based on our personal experiences.
What is Basal Body Temperature?
Basal body temperature is defined as your body temperature early in the morning when you are completely at rest. It is also one of the easily identifiable signs of ovulation since most women notice an increase in their basal temperatures right after ovulation. If you are already aware of approximate ovulation dates, you can easily start measuring your temperature using the basal body thermometer and pin-point the exact date when you ovulate.
How to Measure Basal Body Temperature?
Basal body temperature needs to be measured as soon as you wake up in the morning and duly charted so you can keep track of the day to day variation. In order to take this temperature, it is recommended that you use a thermometer that is specifically designed for this purpose called a basal thermometer. It is a special, large-scale & easy-to-read thermometer that registers only from 96 to 100 degrees. Most women register 96 to 97 degrees before ovulation and 97 to 99 degrees after ovulation.
It is also recommended that you get a basal temperature chart and use it to document the temperature every morning so you can notice a clear pattern followed by your body.
Factors to Consider While Recording Temperature
It is important for women to avoid any external factors which can artificially alter your body temperature while you are trying to get pregnant and identify the signs using a basal body thermometer. Here are some factors which can influence your body temperature –
– Illness
– Fertility Medication
– Smoking or Drinking Alcohol
– Maintaining Extreme temperature in the room (very cold or hot)
In case you encounter a sharp increase or decrease in temperature due to any of the reasons above, please duly note it down in your temperature chart.
Recommended Basal Thermometer
It is very important for you to use a good thermometers because even little inaccuracy can completely throw off the results. Editors at JK&M have shortlisted the most economical yet precise options for you to buy based on our own personal experience.