Ovulation Predictor Kits Guide

Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPK) are extremely popular ovulation tests designed to help women all around the world figure out precisely when they are most fertile during their menstrual cycles so that they time the intercourse correctly and maximize their chance of conceiving.

In this article, we will give an overview of how these kits work, discuss some pros & cons of using the tests, and then give some recommendations on the best OPK’s you can use at home.

Ovulation Predictor Kits Guide

How does Ovulation Predictor Kits Work?

Ovulation predictor kits work by diagnosing the presence of the luteinizing hormone (LH) in the body. These hormones experience a surge about 36 hours before ovulation thereby acting as a perfect indicator of the optimum time when you should have intercourse to maximize your chance of conceiving in the current menstrual cycle.

OPK’s are generally very accurate in detecting the hormone surge in the body and a test from a good brand is usually more than 95% accurate in most cases making it one of the most popular tools currently being used by women. You can also further complement OPK’s by adding additional monitoring measures like cervical mucus examination and taking basil body temperature to maximize your chances of conceiving.

The optimum time of Using Ovulation Predictor Kits

We are going to assume here that you have already read our articles on detecting possible ovulation timeline or used the calculator on the website to narrow down the period when you would be ovulating. The recommendation is to use OPK’s just 3-4 days before the determined date which should give you the perfect timing to start trying with your partner.

Pros & Cons of Using Ovulation Predictor Kits

Pros: OPK’s are very easy to use, easily available, and highly accurate making them one of the most popular methods being used by women today.

Cons: OPK’s tend to have an issue if you are on certain fertility drugs which can confuse the system. They also don’t work very well for women who are approaching menopause since the LH levels in their bodies are already at an elevated level.

Ovulation Predictor Kit Buying Guide

The market today is full of OP kits from virtually every brand so we have narrowed down the search for you by providing the most accurate and economical options available today. Try them out.


Easy@Home Ovulation Test Strips Powered by Premom Ovulation Predictor APP

Editor Take – Most trusted, Reliable & Value for Money

  • Powered by the most advanced algorithm
  • Premom app to see ovulation pattern easily
  • Quick and fun with complete control
  • Detects the LH & hCG hormone in urine


Wondfo 50 Ovulation Test Strips and 20 Test Strips Kit – Rapid Detection for Home Self-Checking Urine Test

– Second most trusted products, Easy to Use

  • Product of a high tech biological company
  • Over 99% accurate
  • FDA/CE/FSC approved
  • resulted detected in 3-5 minutes


Clearblue Digital Ovulation Predictor KIT Featuring Advanced Ovulation Tests & Digital Results, 20 Tests

– Digital Output, popular company but Expensive product

  • # 1 OB-GYN Recommended Brand
  • Identifies 4 or more fertile days to get pregnant
  • Ovulation test to track 2 key fertility hormones
  • Easy to read tests– digital ‘smiley face’ results
  • Digital Results (no interpretation of lines)


iProven Ovulation Predictor Kit – Ovulation Kit

-Most Budgeted, Accurate, Simple

  •  99% accurate
  • Pinpoint your ovulation
  • Canadian Quality
  • early pregnancy detection


REGMATE 100 Ovulation and 50 Pregnancy Test Strips Predictor Kit

-hidden gem, most positive reviews

  • Quick and easy to use
  • detect LH surge with a high degree of certainty.
  • Test is used to predict when there is an LH surge
  • 99% accurate results

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