Pregnancy Survival Guide – Winter Season

The Winter season can be especially challenging for to-be moms with the increased risk of cold & flu in addition to body pains and allergies. Here is our winter survival guide to help you navigate through this tough period and stay healthy and safe during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Survival Guide - Winter Season

How to Protect Yourself During Winter Season

Pregnancy is in general a time to be careful because not only if your body little fragile and worn out from pains and cramps, but also because any external factor can impact a baby’s well-being and health. Winter season is one such period where to-be moms have to be extremely careful while going out as she braves the streets.

General Guidelines For Those Cold Months

  • Make sure that you are not cooped up inside the house all the time no matter how tempting it might seem. It is important to get some fresh air and give muscles some workout so whenever the temperature is a little reason or the sun is out, put on some heavy clothing and walk around even if in your own backyard.
  • Avoid excessive use of hot tubs even if just feels too good
  • Make sure that you are consulting your doctor regularly & vaccinating in time to avoid any seasonal viruses
  • Resist the temptation to operate any snow clearing tools because they can put undue pressure on the body. Instead, let the husband dear put in some extra effort.
  • Be extremely careful while walking around on sidewalks. The Winter season supports the formation of ice especially on sidewalks which causes the danger of slipping.
  • Try to stay warm with plenty of clothing and some hot drink when you step outside.
  • Since the winter season can cause an increase in body pain/aches, don’t exhaust yourself if you start feeling tired and take a break. Also, try to take help from other people in the household.

How to Dress Up & Stay Warm While Going Outside

One of the most common queries we have heard from to-be mothers is how to dress up so that they don’t catch a cold while stepping out from the comfort of the home but still in clothing flexible enough so that you don’t overheat yourself once you are back inside the car. Here are some of our clothing tips to help you navigate through that especially brutal winter season.

Pregnancy Survival Guide - Winter Season

  • Always check the weather in advance before stepping out to not be caught by surprise in a snowstorm or thunderstorm.
  • Always dress in layers. Layered clothing makes it easier for you to remove layers depending upon the temperature inside the car, outside, or inside the house. Don’t make the mistake of putting on just a layer of very heavy clothing which will only work while you are outside.
  • Make sure you always have waterproof outer gear in the car while going out. There is nothing worse than being stuck in wet clothes during the winter season.
  • Always put on accessories to keep your hands and feet warm (like gloves, warm socks, etc.)
  • Warm clothes & a warm shower can make the skin very dry so make sure you moisturize properly and even keep a small bottle in the car. Dryness can cause itching and make you very uncomfortable.
  • Take extra good care of your lips which can get very choppy during the winter season. Apply lip balm regularly.
  • Make sure that you are using solid well gripping shoes while stepping out. Heels cause an extra risk of slipping on ice which can be very dangerous for your ad the baby.

SIMILAR READS: Tips to Keep Kids Warm During Upcoming Winter, Best Home Exercises to Ease Backache in Pregnancy

Additional Things to Prepare For While Going Out

It is important to make sure that you are adequately prepared while going out especially when you are traveling by yourself. Check out this list below –

  • Make sure that your phone is charged while going out. Better still, always keep a battery backup or a charger in your car so that you always have a means of contacting someone in case of emergency.
  • Make sure that your car always has sufficient fuel if you are planning to drive a long distance.
  • Make sure that you have snow tires or at a minimum tires with sufficient air so that they can grip the road properly.
  • Warm your car properly before starting out. Cars can get especially cold so it is better to prepare ahead and switch on the AC a few minutes before you plan to head out.

Do you have any other thoughts that you would like to share with us? Please let us know through your comments below.

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