Safe Sleep Guide For Babies
Whether you are a new mom or still waiting for your bundle of joy to arrive, questions related to how to put your baby to sleep, how to provide them comfort, about their safety comes to mind and take a great deal of time. In this article we are going to discuss safe sleep guidelines and tips for your babies, that are essential for every new parent to get familiar with.
Making sure that you baby is sleeping safely is equally important as your baby is having a sound sleep. Experts and researchers have claims that minor trauma in any form received by infants can leads to fatal result because new born babies are so delicate and susceptible to minor injuries which we adults don’t really count as anything. Smart sleep practice can help protect infants from Sudden Infant Death Syndromes(SIDS).
There is nothing need to be worried about, simply take care of some basic and simple rules & tips and you will notice that these practices will become part of your daily life.
What is SIDS
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the unexplained death, usually during sleep, of a seemingly healthy baby less than a year old.
How common is SIDS
The SIDS rate has dropped dramatically. However, there are approximately 2,500 infants who die of SIDS every year in the U.S. and SIDS is the third leading cause of infant mortality.
Can SIDS happens when the baby is awake?
Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) is a term used to describe the sudden and unexpected death of a baby. SUDI may be the result of a serious illness or a problem that baby may have been born with, but most SUID deaths occur as a result of either SIDS or a fatal sleep accident.
– Create a safe sleep environment
use new cribs with CPSC( Consumer Product Safety Commission ) approval.
use tight fitting sheets with firm crib mattress
check for gaps between crib and mattress
avoid memory foam mattress
clean baby sleep space – no heavy comforters – blanket – stuffed soft toys
no baby monitor wires
keep baby crib away from curtains
– Don’t rely on baby monitors
robots haven’t replaced the human completely
don’t rely on some technology for your bundle of joy
timely peek in yourself
– Use pacifier but not force it
pacifier helps open airways
reduce risk of suffocation
don’t force it if baby is rejecting multiple times, it can be a sign of discomfort
– Keep up the game of breastfeeding
breast milk reduces the of SIDS in infants
provide all the possible nutrients, needed by infants
– No couches for a sleeping baby
avoid the risk of suffocation
babies cannot roll on their own
reduce the risk of SIDS
– Minimal use of car seat and strollers
avoid the risk of suffocation of baby falling asleep
move baby to safe sleeping environment
– Don’t let them overheat
too much heat can lead to organ failure
check for sweaty neck to identify the body heat level
avoid tightly draping your baby in blankets
– Follow the mantra of back sleeping
sleeping on stomach increase risk of suffocation and heating
back sleeping reduces risk of stuffy nose, ear infection and fever
babies with upper airway disorder are recommended to sleep on tummy (after pediatric advise)
– Share room but no to sharing of bed
reduces the risk of suffocation from accidental turning over each other
place babies crib close to bed for the ease of feeding
Risk of SIDS can be serious and you can reduce it by following the advise from experts on safe sleep guidelines. Please share your thoughts and comments and help other moms attaining a peace of mind with your advise and tips.