Signs That My Baby Is Warm Enough
As winter approaches, mothers really get concerned about how to make sure their baby is warm enough and not exposed to cold temperature. We have listed some of the tested techniques to check if your baby is warm enough also not too warm at the same time.
Signs that baby is feeling cold
Cold Hands and Feet
Baby feet and feet should be warm like rest of the body, although hands are feet are most exposed body part of human body but for babies it’s better to take extra caution and add a layer extra to regulate the over body temperature.
Check Tummy Temperature
Hand and feet isn’t always the best way to check temp. Che k the temperature of their core, if it is warm enough then your baby is probably comfortable enough.
Pale skin
Babies who are feeling under the weather generally have pale skin compared to usual. If this is the case and baby is looking pale along with sensation of cold feet and hands, slowly warm them up, wrap them in blankets and also you can hold them in your contact and wrap blanket. Check with your doctor because pale skin can also be in indication of some infection.
Too Quiet and Still
When your child becomes quiet and does not move much, it can mean that they are too cold. Take them inside the house and let them have skin-to-skin on your body, while wrapping a blanket around both of you.
While you are trying to keep your baby warm and cozy in the night, it is important to note that they are not too warm during this whole time. Overheating can increase the risk of SIDS (Sudden infant death Syndrome). Make sure you keep the room temperature comfortable for baby, which as recommended by doctors is between 16 to 20 degrees.
If you are planning to head outside with your baby, you need to make sure baby is dressed in layers of clothing. Carry along an extra pair to add on more quickly if you notice discomfort because of cold temperature. Always cover his head with a hat because babies can lose a lot of heat through their head, so when going outside to regulate his body temperature cover his head.
Signs that baby is feeling over heat
Damp hair
Regular check your baby’s hair when you have added extra layers, because babies themselves won’t be able to communicate if they are hot. Damp hair is an indication of sweating.
Sweaty back and chest
Overdressed baby is at the risk of heatstroke. Quickly remove some layers if you feel the sweat
Red ears
Overheating and high body temperature can be prominently indicated by der ear, so keep a watch on their ear for a sign of overheating.
Rapid pulse and fever
Due to excessive heat in the body, Heart rate can go high quickly along with some fever. Body temp of the babies should be checked regularly during winters to make sure your baby is not feeling very hot.
Babies who are excessively overdressed to regulate temperature of the surrounding, is at the risk of SIDS due to heat stroke. Common signs are
- Sudden rise in body temperature over 100 degrees F,
- hot dry skin, flushed or pale skin tone,
- rapid pulse,
- vomiting,
- rapid breathing,
- sluggishness,
- non-responsiveness,
- signs of dehydration.
Cold and changing temperature can be tough on you baby’s tender body. Check how to keep babies safe during cold weather and learn all the tips and tricks to prevent them from getting sick this winter.