Tapeworm in Kids – All you need to know

By Pallavi Agarwal | Health and Wellness Writer and Editor


It’s common in the kids of age 5-10 to get tapeworms. If your baby is scratching and showcasing some discomfort, it’s a good idea to give it more attention. Real along to learn more about tapeworm in kids and all you need to know about it.

Some basic facts about Tapeworms

Tapeworms are parasites that live in, or on, other organisms called “hosts“. They take their nutrients from the host, thus causing nutritional deficiencies.

Tapeworms are flatworms that live in a person’s digestive tract. They can grow to more than 82 feet (30 meters) and live as long as 30 years.

Tapeworms get into the body when a person eats or drinks something that’s infected with a worm or its eggs. Once inside the body, the tapeworm head attaches to the inner wall of the intestines. The tapeworm feeds off the food that the host is digesting. It uses this nutrition to grow.

Tapeworms are made up of many segments, and they get longer by growing new segments. Each segment can reproduce by making thousands of eggs. Since tapeworms can have more than 3,000 segments, they can grow for a long time.

As the new segment grows at the head of the tapeworm, it pushes the older segment to the end of the line, where they break off. These segments, along with the eggs they contain, pass out of the digestive tract in the host’s feces (poop).

Animals like cows or pigs are more susceptible to tapeworms as they eat grass or nose around in the soil, they can pick up tapeworm segments or eggs. When the tapeworm reaches the animal’s intestine, the attach-and-grow cycle begins again.

Good News:

Most tapeworm infections are harmless and most of the time the host doesn’t even feel the presence of it.

They are easy to treat

How may your kid get Infected with Tapeworms?

By consuming food or water that is contaminated with infected feces.

Kids sometimes unknowingly take food near the toilet which is infected.

Getting in touch with the infected person who has washed hands properly.

Touching infected doorknobs.

Eating without washing hands and changing clothes after playing in contaminated soil and water.

Eating uncooked or undercooked meat or fish that has been infected already.

Kids who are not potty trained playfully mess around with

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Signs and Symptoms that your kid is Infected

Most kids with tapeworm are asymptomatic which means they might not feel anything. It can take months or years to feel anything and notice any sign of tapeworm. Some of the signs include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Mild nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Worm in feces or around the anus
  • Anemia

Symptoms based on the type of worm

Fish tapeworm absorbs vitamin B12 which helps male red blood cells. This results in anemia, your kid can feel tired, short of breath. This can also lead to numbness and some problem in the nervous system.

Port tapeworm leads to a condition called Cysticercosis in which its eggs go through the intestinal wall and enter the bloodstream. From there they can travel to different organs in the body, such as muscles, eyes, or brain, where they form cysts.


You can’t get cysticercosis from eating pork

With cysticercosis, a person might develop lumps under the skin.

  • If the cysts are in the brain, this can result in seizures.
  • Cysts in the eyes can cause vision problems.
  • Cysts in the heart can lead to an abnormal heartbeat
  • Cysts in the spine might cause weakness or trouble walking.


Cysticercosis happens when someone eats food that has been contaminated with feces. It can be any kind of food — all it takes is for that food to come into contact with feces e.g. if a person preparing the meal hasn’t washed his hands after using the bathroom.

Ways to diagnose Tapeworms in Children

As recommended by doctors following are the ways to detect tapeworm infection

  • Blood Test
  • Liver Ultrasound
  • MRI scan
  • Stool sampling

Treatment for tapeworms

If a tapeworm doesn’t leave your body, your doctor will recommend a treatment based on the type of infection.

  • Antiparasitic drugs used to treat intestinal infections may include:
  • praziquantel (Biltricide)
  • albendazole (Albenza)
  • nitazoxanide (Alinia)

After completing treatment, you’ll have a follow-up stool sample to ensure the infection has cleared.

If there is an invasive infection and the tapeworm forms a cyst or a lump, your doctor may prescribe an anthelmintic drug to shrink the mass. This is a type of antiparasitic medication. Based on the severity of the issue, doctors recommend surgery to remove a large cyst or lump.

Home Remedies

Most of the parents, if possible, try to have a workaround and use home remedies to get rid of tapeworm.

Some researches have shown that garlic, pumpkin, and ginger are some natural herbs that have an anti-parasitic effect.

Studies show that the dosage of papaya seeds helps in lowering the number of intestinal worms.

“We highly recommend that, if you’re thinking about using a natural or home remedy for tapeworms, consult your doctor for dosing information.”

Preventions of tapeworm in Children

Give your kids boiled water if you see any possibility of water being infected.

Use safe hands while peeling fruits and vegetables and avoid getting them peeled by others (helpers).

Do not consume undercooked or uncooked fish or meat

Wash hand thoroughly before eating and start preparing the meal.



Closing Note

It is very important that kids wash their hands properly before eating and after using the toilet. Although this condition is not always harmful, it is important to consult your doctor timely and follow a regime to avoid the compilation of this disease again.

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