Things you should Not Say to a New Mom

Pregnancy and giving birth are the most sensitive time in a women’s life. It’s when all the emotions are at their peak. Be its happiness, excitement, or anxiety. Ladies are always overwhelmed when they are pregnant or have recently given birth to a new life.

Avoid any of the below thoughts while communicating to a new mom.

Why are you looking tired?

When my sister gave birth to my nephew, she was a totally changed person. She was all panicky, worried, running here and there all the time, says Pamila John.  The peer can be supportive by asking showing simple concern – are you taking care of yourself as well? Relax whenever you get the chance.

Never point out anything when she already knows that she does look tired. This can make new moms more self-conscious.

Your baby cries a lot

All babies cry, and once they start crying, they have the power to turn the world upside down. It’s a big deal for a new mother to see her baby crying and gives rise to all the possible bad thoughts. If she is taking care of her baby, if she is a good mother or not, how in the future she would e able to calm her baby when she is not able to do so right now.

This is just the beginning!

When in the phase of new parenthood, the only thing that satisfies them is the thought that this is all a phase and will end soon once the baby is a little grown-up. So, making any such comments can be really demotivating.

Did you want a boy or girl?

It’s awful to hear and negative for parents when people ask them sympathetically such questions.

When are you going to work?

When she is ready, she would start going to work, others asking this question won’t make any difference, in fact, can put unnecessary doubt and stress in the mother’s mind. Others asking – if your career is more important than family, who will take care of the baby when she is not there? Do you really have to work? These questions can impact new moms’ confidence in raising her child and maintaining a work-life balance.

When are you planning another baby?

This is the most common question new parents hear a lot from the near and dear ones. Parents with kids of same-sex are more often asked this question. As a mother you have the option you avoid such questions or end the discussion by replying if she can just focus on the ones she has right now.

Unless she confides in you, it’s for everyone’s best to avoid such a statement.

Your baby doesn’t look like either of you

This is a big no subject. In fact, any statement related to the baby looking more like a father or mother should be strictly avoided. Safest to just congratulate the parents and compliment by saying that your baby is very cute.

You should breastfeed more

Many moms struggle with breastfeeding. If a mom has decided to go with the formula, she shouldn’t be made feel bad about her decision. Similarly asking a nursing mom how long she is planning to breastfeed is not a good idea. Some moms prefer to breastfeed for lesser and some for comparatively more time. So, it’s best to keep your opinion to yourself.

You look fat

Refrain from making any comments on the new mom’s weight before and after giving birth. This is for everyone’s betterment.

Share in comments your views and any other subject one should avoid discussing with new moms!

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