Tips to Help Your Baby Latch During Breastfeeding

Improper latching is one of the most common causes of sore nipples in new moms. Learn the best tips to help your baby latch easily & keep the mom comfortable.

Tips to Help Your Baby Latch During Breastfeeding

As a new mother, one of the first things you will need to learn is how to breastfeed the baby. There are plenty of resources available to teach you how to feed the baby but most of them do not talk about what to do if the baby does not latch completely or does so in a way that makes you sore and uncomfortable. In this article, we will discuss some tips to help with this particular problem.

Tips to Help your Baby Latch During Feeding

1) Let your Baby take the Lead in latching

Learn to take some time and bring the baby close to the breast and let them take the lead in latching themselves. Don’t move your breast towards the lips and stuff the nipple in the baby’s mouth if they are not immediately ready to latch. Be prepared to spend some time and a couple of tries before the baby latches on the nipple properly.

2) Tickle Baby’s Lips to Get that Mouth Open

One common problem is that while feeding, the baby’s lip gets tucked under the breast and makes it a little uncomfortable for the child. A good tip to follow is to tickle the baby’s lower lip with the nipple to get the mouth opened properly and avoid any discomfort.

3) Don’t Forget the Areola

Most of the time, the issue of sore nipple comes up because the baby latches only to the nipple and not to the Areola. This can also cause an improper flow of milk and leave the baby hungry. Make sure that baby’s mouth is covering both the nipple & areola to stimulate the milk glands and get the feeding going.

4) Don’t Let the Baby Suffocate

A common mistake made by new mothers is not to notice if the baby has breathing room during feeding. Since the baby’s mouth is busy feeding, the only way they can actually breathe is through their nose. Make sure that baby’s nose if not covered by the breast and there is proper airflow available for the child.

5) Make yourself Comfortable & Use Proper Gear

Mothers tend to forget about their own comfort while breastfeeding which is a very big mistake given that this process can take some time and the tremendous stress it can put on your neck & shoulders. Please sit in a comfortable chair with good back support and avoid leaning into the baby which can cause neck pain and also make it difficult for the baby to feed properly. Consider using a specialized breastfeeding pillow which can make a massive difference in the overall feeding experience.

We have compiled a list of best nursing pillows available in the market today. Try using one of them and thank us later.

RELATED: Common Breastfeeding Problems & Solutions, Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid While Breastfeeding

If you have any other tips for our readers, please let us know through your comments below.

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