Tips To Manage Sleep Deprivation After Baby

No one knows the importance of a good night’s sleep more than mothers who have to take care of their baby, work & home. Learn few tips which can help you catch up on that much needed rest.

Tips to Manage Sleep Deprivation after Baby

If you are a young mother who is wondering how to find time to somehow close your eyes and rest a bit then you are not alone. Studies have found that a overwhelming 70%+ mothers are unable to get proper sleep after the birth making sleep deprivation one of the most important problem impacting the mothers. Fortunately, we figured out a few tips which you can use to catch up on that much deserved rest.

Tips to Manage Sleep Deprivation After Baby & Help You Catch up on Sleep

1) Keep the Phone Away

It is difficult for mothers to find suitable time during the day to take a break and catch up on sleep so use whatever time you do get and try to stay away from phones & tablets for a while. Use of bright screens can be very stimulating & make it difficult for you to sleep so in the initial few months it is better to give your mind & body a break and sleep whenever you can.

2) Learn the importance of Lying Down

You must have heard the advice that a mother should be sleeping whenever baby is sleeping but that is hardly possible given how many other responsibilities a mother can have & also because it is sometimes not possible to sleep even though you are tired. If you are not able to sleep, you still need to learn the importance of simply shutting your eyes, stretching those legs and lying down for some time which will definitely make you feel better.

3) Use Music as a Sleep – Aid

Studies have indicated that music can relax your brain and help you sleep. Next time, instead of watching TV, just put on some low music, close your eyes and take a break which will put your brain at ease and help you sleep.

4) Keep your Baby & Baby-products with-in Reach

Babies tend to get up during night time which means that mothers also need to be up at the same time for feeding or changing the baby. In the initial few months while this happens very frequently, it sometimes makes sense to keep everything you need (including the baby) within your reach so you don’t have to get up from bed. For e.g. consider using one of those attach to your bed bassinet’s where you can either simply pat the baby as they begin to stir or quickly nurse and put them back.

5) Limit How Much You Socialize

Mothers usually have a very busy schedule especially during the initial months when baby demands their entire attention and so does the work & home. One important tip for you to follow is although you might be a social butterfly before pregnancy, you should limit it to only necessary guests post having a baby since most of the guests are nothing but just an additional overhead for you to host. Instead, use that time to catch up on your sleep. As the baby grows up, you will naturally find more time to get back in the social game.

6) Be Comfortable Asking for Help

Many mothers fall into the habit of having everything just perfect for the baby and think that they are the only ones which can provide it to them putting extreme pressure upon themselves. Please do not make that mistake and take help whenever possible. It is perfectly ok to share some load with the father and other family members who although might not do everything perfectly, but would be more than enough to meet baby’s needs allowing you to take a break.

Do you have any other tips that you would like to share with us ? Please let us know through your comments below.

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