Top 5 Free Memory Games for Kids

Memory Games are a really efficient fun filled way to help your kids grow their concentration, sharpen the memory & learn the art of planning efficiently which can help them improve their academic performance and also develop cognitive functions. Today we will be discussing top 5 Memory games which have been determined to help kids the most.

1) Follow the Clap (Single or Multi-Player)

A really easy fun-filled game to play with your children which does not only serve as a memory game but also promotes counting skills. The good thing about this game is that this can be played with many children in one go and does not need any items to play.

How to Play :

Make the children sit around the parent in a circle or in the front in a line

– Parent needs to start the game by clapping in a certain pattern (for e.g. clap clap clap)

– The Children need to listen to the number of times and pattern of clap and repeat it one by one.

– The child needs to not only count the number of claps but also retain the clapping pattern and forces them to pay lot of attention.

2) Match the pair (Single or Multi-Player)

Another fun filled game for kids which promotes memory retention and can be played by a single child or small group.

How to Play :

You will need to use a pack of children cards containing matching pairs.

– Depending upon kids age and number of players, choose the number of pairs you would like to play with. We recommend starting with 3 pairs the first time.

– Shuffle and spread all cards out on a flat surface

– Let the kid notice the position of each card and then turn them face down

– The kid needs to pull up the matching cards by remembering the position of the cards.

– This game although initially might seem little difficult but challenges the kid to remember multiple items and improves their concentration.

3) Find The Missing Item (Single Player)

Very similar to the game above but slightly easier and recommended for young kids.

How to Play :

If you already have children cards then you can use those or collect 5-6 small articles from around the house. For e.g. Pencil, rubber, keys etc.

– Let the kid observe all the articles for few seconds and remember them

– Ask the kid to close their eyes and remove one of the article. let them open the eyes and figure out which article is missing.

– Depending upon how quickly the kid is able to respond, increase the number of articles.

– A variation could be to use different colored pencils and let them remember the colors which might prove to be a little bit more challenging and force them to concentrate harder

4) Match the Coin (Single Player)

Very similar to the game above but slightly easier and recommended for young kids.

How to Play :

– Arrange few different coin types in a random pattern.

– Choose two or three types of coins and show them to the child.

– Let the child carefully observe it for few seconds in-order to memorize the coins.

– Mix up the coins with the others on the table

– Kid needs to then identify the coins that you showed them before.

5) Draw them Out (Single or Multi-Player)

A really fun and easy to play game which does not only encourage memory retention but also helps with drawing activity.

How to Play :

– Draw a few articles on a page (for e.g. different animals or any other items you are comfortable with)

– Let the children observe the drawing and understand different items on the sheet

– Put the sheet away and ask the kid to reproduce what they saw on a separate sheet

– Make the game more challenging by coloring the items that you drew on the sheet

– By asking the kid to color the items as well, you will not only help them with their memory retention but also engage them for some time and keep them busy.

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